How Legacy Planning Can Benefit You?

Benefits Of Legacy Planning

When it comes to financial planning, many people focus on the here and now. They think about how to save for retirement, pay off debts, or simply make ends meet. While this is important, it’s also important to think about your legacy. What will happen to your assets when you die? Who will inherit them? […]

Time Capsule Ideas: What To Put In Your Capsule?

Time capsule ideas for your future generations

Have we figured out how to communicate with the future yet? We haven’t? Well, at least we have the next best thing, the time capsule. What exactly is a Time Capsule? A Time Capsule is almost like a “historical cache” filled with pictures, information, and various other items that capture what life used to be […]

What is a Time Capsule?

Learning what is a Time Capsule

Time Flies, and we lose track of all precious moments; what we can do is make sure we remember the journey. Those pivotal occasions in our lives that affected our future are worth remembering and revisiting. This process has the potential to obliterate some of our most defining and significant memories. A time capsule is […]

How to Plan a Loved One’s Digital Legacy

Plan a loved one's Digital Legacy

Are you wondering if it’s important to plan and protect the Digital Legacy of your loved ones? Well! Here is some food for thought: an average netizen owns 90 accounts. Most people use online banking services, digital stores, and social media accounts. We often abandon some of these social apps without deleting our accounts. Imagine […]

Why Should Your Preserve Your Digital Legacy?

Preserve your Digital Legacy

Have you ever sat down and tried making a list of all your Digital Assets like social media accounts, subscription accounts, or the cloud storage you have used? if yes then, you would know it’s not easy to keep a track of them at all times. So think about what happens to these Digital Assets […]

Steps To Safeguard Your Digital Legacy

Securing Digital Legacy

Have you ever asked yourself what will happen to your Digital Legacy after you die? Digital Assets are a vital part of our Digital Legacy and as our digital assets expand, so does the need to protect them. Your Digital Assets are spread across different media platforms like email, social media accounts, and online repositories […]

Prepare For Your Digital Afterlife Through Digital Legacy Planning

preparing for Digital Afterlife through Digital Legacy Planning

Today, we all have multiple digital accounts and we use a variety of digital services. We have social media accounts, documents in cloud storage, personal blogs and websites, email id, as well as and online collections of photos, videos, and music. This active digital presence creates our digital life and Digital Legacy. These online assets […]

How To Arrange For Your Digital Legacy

arranging for Digital Legacy

Arranging for your Digital Legacy is one of the most important things you should be working on. We’ve taken care of our physical legacy to some extent by creating a Will and getting it registered. However, what about our Digital Assets? How do we take care of those? Is there any way to bring peace […]

4 Reasons Why You Should Create a Digital Legacy Plan

starting to create a digital legacy plan

In a time when it’s possible to interact with friends through Facebook, Twitter, and other internet-based social networks, it still comes as a surprise that most of us forget to prepare our loved ones on what to do with our Digital Assets after we are gone. A Digital Legacy is an easy way to make […]

End of Life Planning: The Ultimate Gift For Your Loved Ones

guide to end of life planning

It’s not what you have at the end of life; it’s what you leave behind that matters. –Stedman Graham End-of-life planning is a complex topic to discuss, but it’s also vital to prepare for it. Preparing for the end can alleviate a heavy burden off your loved ones’ shoulders and bring them peace of mind […]