Why Should Your Preserve Your Digital Legacy?

Preserve your Digital Legacy

Have you ever sat down and tried making a list of all your Digital Assets like social media accounts, subscription accounts, or the cloud storage you have used? if yes then, you would know it’s not easy to keep a track of them at all times. So think about what happens to these Digital Assets after your death? 

The reason why it’s important to preserve your Digital Legacy is that your Digital Assets become vulnerable after your demise. This might lead to identity theft and situations where your family members can’t access your Digital Assets.

You can preserve your Digital Legacy by creating a plan for your digital legacy. Simply put, through planning your Digital Legacy, you provide essential information that your loved ones will need to access and manage your Digital Assets after your demise. This means by creating a plan for your Digital Legacy you can also preserve them.

Why Plan your Digital Legacy

Planning your Digital Legacy ensures that your photos, videos, and important files remain secure and accessible to your family rather than being locked behind a password in perpetuity. 

By including your Digital Legacy Plan in your Estate Plan, you are giving your loved one access to your Online Accounts and Digital Assets. You can even include instructions on how you want your Online Accounts to be managed and who should manage them. 

Thus, making a Digital Legacy plan for photos and videos that are saved ‘in the cloud’ on Social Media and other Online Accounts can help your family revisit your memories whenever they want. 

3 Reasons why you should preserve your Digital Legacy

If you’re still not convinced, here are some more reasons why preserving your Digital Legacy can help you, your family members, and beneficiaries:

Gives you complete control over your Digital Assets

Preserving your Digital Legacy helps you with what you wish to do with your Digital Assets even after you’re gone. It ensures your family has access to your Digital Assets, making sure they are taken care of even in your absence.

Helps you stay ahead

A Digital Legacy also encourages your family to prepare for any unexpected events⁠—natural disasters, pandemics, accidents, etc. For preserving your Digital Legacy you can include your contact details, bank accounts, social media accounts, cryptocurrency, photographs, and videos in your legacy plan that will let your beneficiaries cherish your digital data the way you wish. 

Make it easy for your family

When you decide to preserve your digital legacy you actually decide to help your family members in making the right decision for your Digital Assets after you’re gone. When you have a Digital Legacy Plan in place, your family, friends, and beneficiaries have a relatively simpler time fulfilling your wishes and dealing with the legalities of handling your Digital Assets while mourning your absence.

Start planning your Digital Legacy with CLOCR today!