How Does Divorce Affect Your Estate Plan?

estate planning after divorce

An estate plan changes with your major life decisions. And divorce is a juncture that reshapes numerous aspects of life, including estate planning. When considering the situation’s gravity, divorce estate planning is important. Creating an estate plan is essential, but that doesn’t imply that your estate plan is a closed chapter of your life. Updating […]

What Are The Key Roles Involved In Estate Planning?

Key Roles Involves In Estate Planning

Most people put a lot of effort into providing a comfortable life for their families. The primary advantage of Estate planning is that it enables you to support your family even after passing away. With careful preparation, they will be able to maintain the level of living they currently enjoy. An estate plan, however, has […]

What Is A Medical Alert Card For A Wallet?

medical emergency contact card

It can be a scary thought to imagine yourself having a medical emergency with no way of contacting your near and dear ones. If you have certain medical conditions– such as allergies, breathing problems, or heart disease– an unexpected medical emergency can strike you anytime. Even if a passerby is kind enough to come to […]

3 Ways To Pass On Your Values And Memories Via Digital Legacy

Pass on Your Values and Memories Via Digital Legacy

Life expectancy rates continue to rise with medical advancements. But even after all this progress, more and more people are thinking about their mortality and what will happen to their digital legacy after death. A Digital legacy includes “the digital property, information, and data an individual acquires during their lifetime.” This can include everything you […]

How Long Should I Keep Legal Documents After A Death?

Keep Legal Documents Safely

Dealing with the sudden loss of your loved one is gripping and takes time to heal. While you brace yourself for the loss and settle emotionally, multiple challenges might surface. If you are a beneficiary or an executor, retaining legal documents after death is essential for the future. While you must retain a few documents […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Create Advance Directives

Why You Should Create Advance Directives

We plan our education, career, and finances for a successful life. But what about our health? Health is the most crucial aspect of our lives and, ironically, the most neglected one. People assume their loved ones will know about their healthcare preferences when any health emergency will occur. An Advance healthcare directive helps to set […]

How To Delete The Airbnb Account Of A Deceased Person?

Delete airbnb account

Airbnb is an online marketplace that connects people who want to rent out their homes with people searching for accommodation in an area and location of their choice. Known for having a vast customer base, AirBnB is preferred by customers worldwide. We all must have used Airbnb at some stage of our lives. In some […]

What Is The Difference Between A Living Will And A Power Of Attorney?

Understanding Diffrence between living will and power of attorney

For many of us, Estate Planning is the ‘elephant in the room’ – an obvious but a debatable topic that needs addressing. Estate planning is essential if you wish to secure the future of your loved ones. Reportedly, 77% of Americans believe estate planning is essential for everyone. However, it is a broad subject, and […]

The Basics of End of Life Planning

Why is end of life planning important

“The goal is not to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” We all experience the feelings and apprehensions associated with death. Hence, end of life planning is essential as it helps to organize and inherit your assets in a less challenging way. So, What Is End-Of-Life Planning? It involves forging an […]

17 Wonderful Songs About Growing Up And Getting Older

songs about sons growing up too fast

It’s hard to believe that the Beatles’ “Yesterday” was released 50 years ago. It’s even harder to believe that most of us are older than Paul McCartney was when he wrote it. It’s one of the most popular songs about getting older and being nostalgic for youth. Growing up is a universal experience that could […]