How To Delete an Imgur Account When Someone Dies

How to delete an Imgur account

What is Imgur?

Imgur is an online community where people share pictures, videos, and GIFs.

Now you know what Imgur is and f you want to delete an Imgur account, then here is everything you need to know.

How To Delete An Imgur Account?

Here are the steps to delete an Imgur account:

  • Log in to the Imgur Account.
  • Go to “Account Settings”.
  • Scroll to the bottom then click on “Delete Account”.

Now you know how to permanently delete an Imgur account. But, if you don’t have the login credentials of the account holder, you may face some problems while closing the account. This is why it’s important to create a Digital Estate plan. It allows you to leave behind any information that your family members may require to access your Digital Assets after your death.

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