35 Ways to Say ‘Hope You Feel Better’

A mother expression saying hope you feel better to her child

We often underestimate the power words hold. When someone is not feeling well, you can make them feel better or improve their day with the right words. But what can we say instead of “hope you are feeling better.” We are here to help, what you can say instead of “hope you are feeling better.”

Words have the power to improve anyone’s day. Learn how 70 Get Well Soon messages and quotes can help you sound more sincere. 

How to Say ‘Hope You Are Feeling Better’ to Friends or Family

  1. Sickness can bring a dark cloud over our lives. Darkness is the last thing that I want for you. You will pull through this, and I will be with you to help. I am here to offer any support you may need. Lean on me, and let’s get through this together.
  2. You’re in my warmest thoughts. I wish you the quickest recovery.
  3. Whatever happens, just know that your family is deeply thinking of you.
  4. I have so many reasons why I really want you to get back home to us. First of all, I want to beat you up for staying away from me for a very long time.
  5. The house feels empty without your presence, and without the sound of your laughter, it is really quiet now. Come home soon, dear.
  6. Remember to just take it one day at a time, and in no time, you will be completely healthy and smiling once again.
  7. You are as strong as Wonder Woman. I know you can handle this.
  8. Best wishes for a little progress and a little encouragement every day during your recuperation.
  9. As I close my eyes to pray every night, my only request is that God will heal you speedily. I wish you a quick recovery!
  10. Dear friend, have some faith and confidence. Everything will be alright, and you will feel as sound as you’ve never felt. Just please get well soon!
  11. With man it may seem impossible, but not with God. I firmly believe you’ll make a quick come back.
  12. Being sick is a bit of a downer, so I’m sending positive thoughts of good health and jubilant energy your way. I hope you recover quickly and bounce back to your usual brightness soon.
  13. We are sending you all the strength you need for this road ahead.
  14. You’re one of the strongest people I know – you’ll be fighting fit in no time!
  15. It has been a few days seen you have been away, but it feels like ages; I am very lonely without you. Please get well soon and return quickly!

How to Say ‘Hope You Are Feeling Better’ to a Co-worker

  1.  I hope you are doing better and will fully recover soon. The printers are jammed, the coffee is cold, and the clients are more annoying. Nothing seems to work without you here. I think it’s clear that we miss you!
  2.  I’m sorry that you’ve been tackling some health issues. We’ve got everything under control here, so please just focus on healing.
  3.  I was so sorry to hear about your [accident/surgery/illness, etc.]. You are not just a colleague at work, but a friend. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help during this difficult time. I look forward to seeing you back soon.
  4. I heard that you aren’t well, and I wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. The recovery process must seem like an eternity, but it is just a blip in the grand scheme of things. You are strong, and I know that you’ve got this!
  5. Prayer remains the best medicine, and God remains the best doctor.
  6.  I want to send my warm wishes to you while you are under the weather. The good news is that each passing day is another day of growing stronger and healthier.
  7. I was sorry to learn that you are facing a difficult time. I wanted to share a little message to let you know I am here if you need anything. I know this must be challenging, but your strength and determination will surely get you through it.
  8. “Your strength and positivity inspire me! Keep fighting, friend.” 
  9. Work isn’t the same without you there. I hope that you recover soon to not only feel better but to make this place feel normal again.
  10. I know how miserable it is to be ill, and I hope you feel better soon. If there is anything you need, please absolutely let me know.

Funny Ways Say ‘Hope You are Feeling Better

  1. You can do anything you set your mind to, so get a hold of yourself and concentrate all your energy on getting better. We’ll get ice cream when you get better. You pay! Just joking.
  2. I hope you’re not as contagious as your smile is! Keep smiling!
  3. It’s not the same without you around here. No one makes snacks, cleans, or takes the trash out! Get better soon. We miss you!
  4. I read your prescription. It sounds like you’re required to have a daily dose of your best friend’s company. Lucky you!
  5. Get well soon. I miss your delicious cooking! If you’re gone any longer, I just might starve to death!
  6. You’re so insufferable that I’m sure this sickness will be fed up with you. Kick it to the curb, and let’s get back to life.
  7. We all miss you and can’t wait for you to come home — even the dog!
  8. This sickness is funny if it thinks it can beat you. You’re one of the strongest people I know! The joke’s on the sickness.
  9. Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
  10. If only my magician friend could fix your ___, we would have been out of here by now.

You can add a little more personalization to the message to make them feel better. Uniques and creative messages make people think that you are genuinely thinking about them.