Summer has come to an end and it’s time to go back to school for the fall semester. It’s exciting but riddled with shopping and deadlines to remember.

The excitement of reuniting with friends, meeting teachers, or a milestone like the first day of kindergarten or high school comes with mixed emotions this year, right? Let’s face it heading back to school this year means more significant change than usual.

With rising Covid-19 cases, parents and caregivers are worried about what extra precautions their children might have to take to prevent themselves from contracting the dreaded virus. But worry not, we will help you break down the process of back-to-school planning with our Ultimate Back-to-School checklist.

Back to School Checklist: COVID-19 Edition

Get Vaccinated (if you are children eligible for vaccination)

First and foremost get yourself the COVID-19 vaccination shots to get ready to go back to school. Vaccinations help to build immunity against the COVID-19 Virus. It is best for keeping yourself as well as the others safe in school. Parents and teachers should also take their vaccination shots to prevent the spreading of the Covid virus.

Face Mask

Masks are definitely a COVID essential. It’s best to keep one or two spare masks in case your masks break or get dirty. Many students may not be thrilled about covering their face to school but they must realize it’s important. Masks with their favorite superhero or Disney characters are available online and in supermarkets. This can make back-to-school fun! Little ones can even make their masks exciting by decorating them.

Hand Sanitizer

Washing hands in the middle of class isn’t always possible. Having a personal hand sanitizer is the best alternate option for the students.  There are mini hand sanitizer bottles that can easily be carried to school. You can fill them with your favorite fragrant sanitizer and add them to your backpack.

Disinfecting Wipes

You are going to come across many high-contact surfaces during the day. For instance, desks, tabletops, doorknobs, handles, and chairs or computers, keyboards, and phones, that’s why it’s best to include travel size disinfecting wipes in your backpack.

Carry Your Own School Supply

Most schools may not provide communal supplies like pencils, pens, highlighters, etc. in hopes of not spreading the virus. So, stock up on school supplies before the classes begin.

Carry Your Personal Bottles and Lunch Bags

To avoid social distancing lines in the cafeteria and unnecessary contacts, you can bring your own lunch and bottles to school. This will also prevent the spread of COVID among children.

E-Learning and Remote Learning


It’s important to have a separate workspace for your E-learning where you can do your schoolwork. By creating a dedicated workspace for school, you are also limiting distractions in online classes. This allows you to get pumped up and build up a routine for remote learning.

Computer and Internet Access

If you’ve chosen remote learning then having a reliable computer and internet access is a non-negotiables to include in your checklist. A reliable computer and internet that operates at a good speed and can handle different programs and tasks, making online learning much easier.


Good quality headphones will help you learn to stay on task and focused by blocking out extra noises in the house. A pair of well-built headphones will also be a sanity saver for any parents or caregivers working from home.

Comfortable Chair

E-learning can lead to long days, so having a comfortable chair while in your workspace is essential. It will help you be more productive and go a long way without needing to take breaks because of discomfort.

Considering the global pandemic another essential thing to include in your Back to School is an ICE Vault.

ICE Vault (In Case Of Emergency Vault)

ICE Vault can help provide a sense of security to you and your family. You can store all your crucial/medical documents in an ICE Vault which can be accessed by you or your emergency contacts in case of an emergency. Clocr exclusively offers an ICE Vault which is easy to use and completely customizable. 

No matter what your mode of learning is, creating a back to school checklist will ensure you have the most enriching learning experience this fall.