Organize, protect and pass on your legacy with Family Vault.

What’s Included In Your Digital Family Vault?
Digital Estate
Organize your online accounts, designate your nominees and provide instructions on who will inherit and own these accounts after you’re gone
Digital Vault

Time Capsule

Protect & Pass-on your Digital Property with a Digital Estate.
- Create your Online Account List using Account Wizard: A curated list of most used accounts
- Import your accounts from password managers like Chrome, LastPass and others
- Mark accounts to be closed down or passed on to nominees when the time comes
- Finalize your report. We will message you to update the list periodically.
Digital Family Vault—Never lose what’s most important to you.
- Secure most important documents such as insurance papers, medical records, vaccination certifcates, vehicle registration & more with family vault.
- Choose who can access what and control the level of access for your digital family vault.
- Ability to lock documents until death.
- Easy and authorized file sharing option.

Time Capsule–Your Legacy. Your Values. Your Stories. YES, they are important and you can pass them on to the next generation.
- Share your stories, heart-felt apologies, and final wishes with loved ones.
- Schedule video/audio messages to be released in the future.
- Let your family and friends remember you in the most loving way.
Beyond bank-grade security
Our family vault’s ultra-security feature that is built on IPFS and Blockchain concepts, provides additional layers of protection that are unique and proprietary.
Your information in our digital family vault is always secure with our patent-pending security system that digitally shreds files and then distributes them to multiple decentralized storage locations.

Frequently Asked Questions
Your digital assets have a monetary and sentimental value and are protected by privacy laws. By efficiently organizing all your online accounts in one place, you enable family and loved ones to manage them without violating privacy laws.
The time capsule allows you to share your stories, memories and thoughts with your loved ones and future self. You can also schedule note and audio/video message delivery to whomever you wish, after you have passed on. Having a digital time capsule ensures that your memories are secured and preserved for a long time.

Plan & Protect Your Loved Ones From Unexpected Emergencies.
Emergency Planning
Emergencies often come unannounced. Plan comprehensively and be prepared with Emergency Card & In Case of Emergency (ICE) Vault.
Family Vault
Organize, manage and appoint nominees for all your online accounts information, and critical documents such as–legal, medical, & more
Directives & Wills
Create Last Will, Social Media Will and more. Ensure your assets are managed the way you wish after you pass away.