No matter what age group you belong to or how many assets you own, the answer to the question of ‘do I need a living will?’ is always a yes. The concept of financial planning and formulating a will has many misconceptions.

A will is basically what resolves the three main questions that arise with the thought of death. These three questions are worries regarding who will be the guardian of your minor children, who will get your money, and who will get your property after your death. To make things easier for your friends and family, you should not just get a will, you should also get a cloud locker to store your will so that your friends and family can access it easily after your demise.

Your estate planning today can help your family and friends a whole lot in the future!

It’s never too early. You may be thinking you’re just in your 20s or 30s, you’re way too young and have a long life to live yet. You may think that you don’t own enough assets that would require a will to be formulated. Financial planning is nowhere in your near future’s plan. You might have kids by now. Think of securing their future right away to make sure that any unexpected life event doesn’t leave them behind vulnerable and sensitive to the world. As little as a car or one home should be enough to get started on this path.

It’s never too late either. You could possibly be in your late 40s or even in your 50s. Your kids would be grown up by now, maybe the age of going to college. There is a likelihood that you’re still pretty financially stable so you’re not worrying about your financial future or your family’s. However, do not make this mistake and get an estate planning started. This won’t just secure your family’s happiness, you will also be able to enjoy stress-free days when you’re retired.

How Clocr Helps

CLOCR offers cloud locker services so that your next of kin doesn’t have anything to worry about after you are no more there to take care of them. Not only are you going to secure your minor kids, but also your elder kids, as well as your own old age days.

CLOCR and the cloud locker technology makes sure everyone gets the most out of the living will and estate planning. The traditional method involves a lawyer to keep track of your will.

However, with advanced technology, cloud locker, and CLOCR make sure you get the safest approach to keep a will while allowing very easy access whenever it is required.