Every action that used to involve an offline action is being digitized. Whether it is making online wills, connecting with people, making time capsules, getting an education, or even currency. Unlike a few decades ago, it probably wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that we’re more dependent on the internet than ever before, suggesting that our lives are digital! 

In this age, then, your assets are not limited to their traditional understanding. It has been deconstructed to include even the intangible assets on your computers, pen drives and online accounts  – photographs, videos, social media accounts, email accounts, online banking, financial accounts, subscription accounts, cryptocurrency, etc. 

With so much personal information on the internet, here are 5 reasons why you need to locate and organize your digital assets right now – 

Easy access

It isn’t uncommon for most people to spend lots of time trying to figure out where something is, especially on the internet. Regularly identifying and sorting through your digital assets, saves you time and energy.

Effortlessly keep track

Oftentimes, people tend to forget that they opened some accounts. This might result in losing out sentimental or even monetary valuables. By having a repository of your online accounts, you can keep better track of them and ensure they are safe.


When you identify and then go on to organize all of your digital assets, you can easily store and use the data to ensure your privacy. This will also enable you to stay up-to-date with the privacy policies of each company and modify your settings accordingly. 


You can secure your data safely by changing passwords, adding them to digital vaults, updating softwares and encrypting the data. Updating this information becomes much easier when you have all your digital assets located and organized. 


Sharing your data with those you want to, or need to, becomes simpler when you know where everything is. Additionally, organizing your online accounts makes it easier for you to plan an estate for your digital assets to ensure their security even long after you’re gone

Now that you know why you need to start organizing your digital assets, get started easily with Clocr Digital Vault!